Is Your Website Functionality Designed for YOU, or your Site Visitors?
I was doing some research for a client the other day and found myself at a relatively new cloud-based CRM (customer...
Page View Versus Page Visits
Understanding the world of Google Analytics can be a bit confusing. Web Statistics can be a universe unto itself; but if we...
Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself...
Several years back, I opened Twin City Sales and Marketing, a Winston Salem-based social media and branding agency offering...
A Valentine's Day Online Marketing Lesson
Hopefully, you got to share a relaxing Valentine’s evening with someone you love. But regardless of whether you spent it gazing...
Is It Time to Upgrade Your Business Website to a Newer Model Year?
Usually, it takes one of two different situations to drag you out to an auto dealership to look at new cars: either you have...
Five Things to Try If Your 2011 SEO Plan Didn’t Succeed
Nobody begins a search engine optimization program with the idea that “It might be nice to move up to the fifth page of Google...
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