LinkedIn Group TipsLinkedIn Groups: Tips for Success

You've joined a LinkedIn group. Now what? Here are some tips for making the most of LinkedIn Groups to grow your brand awareness and increase business opportunities.

1. You are part of a group. It isn't about you; it’s about the group. Try reading the discussions and comments of others. Get to know them and their businesses. Look for ways to be helpful. You are a guest in someone else's house. Know the house rules.
2. Know the group rules. Read and agree to them before you ask to join. Someone has taken the time to organize and manage the group and to create this space for you. Read the group rules before you join and then follow them after you join.
3. Listen first to what others are contributing. Before you even think about promoting your workshop or company website in a LinkedIn Group post, visit and read the links of other members that interest you. Leave comments. Engage them on their services, conversations, and activity. The old rule “It’s better to give than receive” is good counsel here.
4. Respect Discussions. A discussion is a discussion. When it’s time to post something of your own, remember, a discussion isn’t a job request, a job offering, or a statement with a link to your company website or blog. A discussion is sharing an idea or question and asking for feedback (and doing this with a link to your business is suspect. See #4 above. We all know what you are doing. Don’t!)
5. Don’t try to use the group to sell or overly promote yourself. Use LinkedIn Groups to be you. Be helpful, learn, and share knowledge.
6. SPAM sucks…here and everywhere. How frequently are you posting? Is your posting frequency in keeping with the activity of the group? Glance over at the group meter provided by LinkedIn groups. Are you the most active? Among the least active? The meter will also measure how popular your discussions are.

LinkedIn Tip
LinkedIn groups are a great way to get to know other professionals and be known. Craft your behavior to represent how you want others to view you and your business. Once you're known to the group, people will extend their contact with you and ask to learn more about you. That's the goal. Respect the house rules and then rule the house!


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