I preach blogging a lot to our clients; we help them a lot with blogging. Sometimes, at the end of the day, I realize that WE need to put up a post, and I sit and stare into space and wonder what you'd like to read. I realized that if it's hard for me sometimes to think about what to write, then it must be challenging for you, so I thought I'd give you some ideas and samples of easy ways to nudge the thought process along!


Do you like reading "Top 10" lists or "How to Do Something" lists? Always a good source for material. What are the questions you hear the most often from your clients or customers? Make them a list and then make each point a post!

cures for writers block



How about pictures of things going on around your office? People love to see the personal and FUN side of your business. If you're not using Instagram, you should be! We use it AS the company and then I'm forever taking shots on my own account.

instagram screen shot


I am really loving Vine right now, and although I use it a lot personally, I am just now starting to subject the office to it. (Do you get the impression that working around me could be trying on one's patience??) Vine may take a little bit of practice to get the timing right (the vine below took me 5 tries to get the last frame), but you can find plenty of things to record if you just look around.

Looking for something a bit longer? Try Tout or YouTube!

So there you have three ideas for posts that don't take a long time to get out. I also recommend that you have a place where you can jot down ideas as they come to you. I have little scraps of paper all over the place and then once a week or so, I will load them all onto a master list!



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