With more than 150 million active accounts, Instagram has become much more than just an occasional fun site to use for peering at 'slice of life' shots from friends. The opportunity for businesses to connect with clients, prospects, and fans on a quick visual basis is great, and delegation of posting responsibilities can be easily shared among multiple staff members. Further, unlike some of the other networks, there is no expectation of posting frequency.

Growing an audience on Instagram also offers companies the opportunity to show personality and to develop brand loyalty. For the creative firm, Instagram is also a prime platform for creative promotions and contests. The key to achieving success for businesses is in sharing photos and video clips that are visually stunning, offer a creative perspective, and are interesting. Here are four keys you can use to help generate ideas for fresh content to post:


  • What are your fun company "traditions"? Capture them and let us in on it!
  • Does your company allow pets in the workplace?
  • Showcase your company colors, logo elements, or mascot being used. Our company colors are lime green and blue, and we'll post pics of clients who show up to meetings in our colors.
  • Share pics of internal events – staff birthdays, new babies, celebrations, etc.
  • What's the least known aspect of what you do?
  • Does your company participate in charity events or support nonprofits? Do you have a staff volunteer day? Share the pics!

Have fun with your PRODUCTS

  • Shoot products that go WITH (or complement) specific products of yours, and challenge followers to recommend which of your products goes best with them.
  • Show pics of alternate uses for your product/service.
  • Show funny shots of product fails (obviously incorrect usage of your product).
  • Does your product or service create an actual impact that can be demonstrated photographically?
  • Post Zoomed in/Odd Angle shots of one of your products, and challenge followers to identify which product it is!

Spotlight your PROCESS

  • Show how your product is made… are there interesting processes? Visually rich steps? Show progress photos in a multi-part series or a collage of select stages.
  • Share before and after photos which provide a quick visual comparison.
  • Have an event or special occasion coming up? A media interview? A kickoff party? A new office opening? Share shots of the preparation. Examples might be a peek at party decorations being put up, makeup being done before a big press conference or TV interview, etc.
  • Show off some of the equipment and supplies that play a role in the services you provide. Showcase staff members sharing their favorite tool or equipment.
  •  Invite your customers to post (and tag) pics of creative uses for your product.
  • Share "behind the scenes" shots of interesting aspects of your work. Doing a photo shoot? Filming a commercial? Constructing models? Peeks at a manufacturing line? These are interesting to people outside your industry.

It's all about PEOPLE

  • Spotlight customers "caught in the act" using your product.
  • Do you have branded apparel that is sold to the public, like T-shirts? Encourage clients to post and tag shots of themselves wearing them on vacations or in interesting places.
  • Take us with you to special events, trade shows, parties, and industry happenings. In our area, Furniture Market offers a great opportunity for interesting visuals and plenty of action.
  • Introduce staff members who are not often seen or whose roles don't involve working with the public.

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