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What We're Reading: Weekly Roundup July 31st

Written by Kristen Daukas | Jul 31, 2015 11:00:54 AM

Raise your hand if you're stunned that tomorrow is August 1st! That means school is starting for many of us and before you know it, it's Halloween.

Okay. I'm getting a little ahead of myself here, so back to this week's roundup of which articles we're reading this week and found to be the most interesting. We think you will, too!

BuzzFeed is Watching You

Go ahead and confess - you take those little BuzzFeed quizzes when they pop up on your Facebook page don't you? It's okay - you're amongst friends and we all do it. But did you know that BuzzFeed (and your friends) really don't care which Disney Princess you're most like? What they DO care about is how you answer the questions. It's what we call data-mining and BuzzFeed has definitely cornered the market on it. Make sure you read this post before you take that next quiz! (From: Kristen)

Five Brands That Successfully Tapped Into the Power of Bloggers Outside Their Industry

Working with brand influencers is a proven way to get your company in front of the right people. But before you turn someone down because you think they're "not a fit", consider the impact they could have outside your industry! (From Adrienne)

Are Millennials Ruining The World?

As the parent to child who just barely missed being part of the millennial generation, I thought this was a great article. Millennials are becoming the largest part of our work force and if you've dismissed them and bemoaned their existence, you can't miss this one. If nothing else, you'll see that we are not the first set of adults to do that and I remember having some of the Boomers lament that about my generation - GenX.  (From Kristen)

Is Location Data the Same as Local Data?

Optimizing your marketing efforts to embrace the ever-growing mobile movement, there are a lot of things to consider. For instance - what's the difference between local data and location data? Hint: a lot. (From Adrienne)

How to Increase Your Post Reach on Top Social Networks


You spend so much time crafting the best posts to get your marketing message out to the public but with all the noise from other companies, what can you do to help boost your posts so that more people see it? Whether you choose to boost individual posts on Facebook or promote certain tweets, this is a great how-to article that you'll want to bookmark for inspiration!