The #Hashtag - What's Trending in Inbound Marketing, Web & Social Media, by Atlantic Webworks

Repurposing Old Blog Content

Written by Kristen Daukas | Mar 4, 2014 9:13:22 PM

So far, I have discussed pulling in your co-workers and embedding your social media posts as possible ways to increase the frequency of your blog posts. Today, I want to show you how to repurpose older pieces of content!

If you have been blogging consistently for more than a year, you should have a fairly decent number of blog posts that you have already published. Why not look at these posts and see if any of them are still relevant to current trends? While you don't want to just "repost" it with no changes, you can definitely take the post, freshen it up, and bring it back into the spotlight.

Things to check:

Image - The first time you wrote that post, did you include an image? What about a pinnable image? If you didn't, that's something that you will definitely want to do now. Make sure that you have saved the image with a descriptive alt tag and not the standard 123454433.img, as it's important for searching. Why is this? When search engines are crawling your site for content, they cannot see the images that you have there, but they CAN see the description/alt tag, and that is what they index. You should also make sure that you have an image that would be attractive and stand out on Pinterest. Pinterest is becoming a big source in traffic for many blogs, so you want to take advantage of that.

Post Title - The first time you wrote the post, you may have thought that Journey song title was catchy. And it may have been, but does it help you in the search engines? Consider a different, more SEO friendly post title for the next posting.

Which posts were the most popular? If a particular post gets a lot of hits or comments, you definitely want to rewrite this one and optimize it for the current period. You may want to even consider making it a permanent page. I'm getting ready to revisit one of our most popular posts for this very reason.

Best Of or Top Ten - Do you have a particular category that you have a lot of posts in? Write a "Best of..." blog post and link to each of them. Give a few lines of content as to why you chose each of the posts as an introduction. Check your Google analytics and figure out the ten most viewed posts within a certain time frame. You'll see this done a LOT at the end of the year as writers compile their Top Ten posts of the year. Be different and do it at some other time so it will stand out!

As a side note, old blog posts are also a GREAT way to get content for newsletters, e-books, guest posts, and more!