The #Hashtag - What's Trending in Inbound Marketing, Web & Social Media, by Atlantic Webworks

Just how social are you?

Written by Adrienne Jandler | Mar 21, 2009 1:40:40 PM

I admit, I probably spend more time on Facebook than LinkedIn. And yes, I post a LOT. My social networks are a key component of my daily communications and I really, really enjoy them!  Since my “friends” and “connections” include many business associates, clients, and strategic partners, I am always careful about posting anything that could be deemed inappropriate or negative. I'm often surprised by the many posts I see (by others in the business community) that could be damaging.

With that in mind, the recent survey results from, (a “people search” engine for reputation management) caught my eye.  According to their  new survey about social networking habits, more than half of web users (53%) admit they would be embarrassed if an employer, teacher, or parent, viewed the content on their social networking profile on Facebook, LinkedIn, or similar sites.

Some of the key findings...

  • One-third of HR and business managers surveyed said that they check social networking sites to gather background information on current employees and new candidates.
  •  Twenty-four percent of those (HR and business managers) said they have turned down job candidates based on what they found, such as inappropriate photos and rude comments. (I have recently turned down two candidates for the same thing!)
  •  More than one-third (35%) of American adult internet users have a profile on a social networking site, and more than half of those people admit to being embarrassed by the content that appears on their profiles.
  • Of the business people who had not searched for data on potential employees online, almost half (44%) said they are likely to do so in future.

It's easy to feel a false sense of security/privacy since most of the social networks have privacy settings. However, many users neglect to change their privacy settings from the default settings that were established when they set up their profiles. Even among those who have tightened their privacy settings, there is still an exposure among the many contacts/friends/connections you have granted access.

It's always a good practice to conduct periodic searches for yourself and your company online—just to see what is there. It's amazing to see some of the VERY OLD articles, blog posts/bulletin board and forum posts (from WAY BACK IN THE DAY!), and news items that are aggregated for all of us. Whether searching for employment or simply staying abreast of what potential clients and strategic partners might be learning about you, I'd recommend doing a, or other “people search” for yourself and your company. It's always informative and allows you an opportunity to take action to improve your overall presentation.