The #Hashtag - What's Trending in Inbound Marketing, Web & Social Media, by Atlantic Webworks

7 Ways to Use Social Media to Increase Sales

Written by Kristen Daukas | Mar 13, 2013 8:49:03 PM

Social media in one form or another is a necessity in today’s business world.  It provides a perfect way to create strong relationships with your current and potential customers. Here are seven ways to turn your followers and fans into sales.

1.    Create a Likeable Persona: People can see right through fake or pushy people - even online - so be the voice of a  professional person you would want to buy from. Authenticity is essential; this is your chance to humanize your brand and create relationships.

2.    Focus on Existing Customers:  Offer extended customer service through social media. Keeping loyal clients happy is key. They will refer others to your business, and it is A LOT less expensive to keep current clients than to find new ones. Also remember that referral rewards are an option. Facebook has plugins to track who recommends your page to friends.

3.    Connect with People whose Profiles Match Those of Your Clients: If you are looking to reach out more to potential clients, focus on people who have a need for what you are selling. can help you find others who are talking about subjects relating to your business.  Add value to their network by contributing to their conversations through comments or re-tweets; the relationship will come naturally.  Always listen! You need to understand their needs before you attempt a sale.

4.    Conversation is Key: Whether this is a long-time client or not, engaging through conversation is most important for establishing relationships. Instead of just responding with “thanks for the comment,” ask a question about their experience and how they want future experiences with your business to be.  Remember to be timely; people have a short attention span on social media, so respond ASAP.

5.    Offer Exclusives:  Whether it’s a coupon code, or an exclusive offer for being a fan, give your customers a reason to spend more. Don’t forget to showcase other products they may like from your business.

6.    Provide Valuable Content: The 80/20 rule does exist! Only talk about your company 20% of the time; other posts should be useful or entertaining information clients would appreciate. It is important to showcase deals or sales specials, but do not overdo it.  Promotions on social media provide little engagement; building relationships should be the priority.

7.    Cross Channel Integration:  Social media cannot replace email or other marketing tools, so linking them together for follow-up is a good plan. People like options, so make it easy to find the many ways to connect with your business.

Do you have any social media tips that have that have helped increase sales for your business?